17 Desember, 2012

Mau jalan kaki ke luar rumah atau latihan di dalam rumah?

Physical activity boosts the brain's resistance to Alzheimer's," said lead study author Cyrus Raji, PhD, from the university's department of radiology. "People who walked more had a slower progression of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment over five years, and, as a result, they had a better preservation of the hippocampus, the frontal lobes, and the temporal lobes.""

Aktivitas fisik merangsang kekebalan otak terhadap penyakit Alzheimer,                       kata Cyrus Raji, PhD.

Orang yang berjalan kaki lebih banyak menunjukkan perjalanan penyakit Alzheimer lebih lambat daripada yang tidak melakukannya !

Kalau khawatir akan kesimbangan tubuh atau kekuatan,
di rumahpun bisa dilakukan latihan keseimbangan..

Sooooo...no excuses!Let's move..move..move !

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